Angie - verze 1
Rolling Stones
GmAngie, DAngie D#When will those Fclouds all disapBpear? GmAngie, DAngie D#Where were the Fladies from Bhere? With no Floving in our souls and no Cmmoney in our Gmcoats BYou can't D#say we're satisfFied GmAngie, DAngie D#You can't Fsay we never Btried GmAngie, you're Dbeautiful...yes D#but ain't it Ftime we said goodBbye GmAngie, I still Dlove you D#Remember Fall those nights we Bcried All the Fdreams we held so close Seem to Cmall go up in Gmsmoke BOh let me D#whisper in your Fear GmAngie, DAngie D#Where were the Fladies from Bhere? Oh FAngie don't you weep All your Cmkisses still taste Gmsweet BI hate that D#sadness in your Feyes but GmAngie, DAngie D#Ain't it Ftime we said goodBbye...ya With no Floving in our souls and no Cmmoney in our Gmcoats BOh you can't D#say we're satisFfied but GmAngie, I still love you Dbaby D#Every where I Flook I see your Beyes GmThere ain't a woman that comes Dclose to you D#Come on Fbaby dry your Beyes GmAngie, DAngie D#Ain't it Fgood to be aBlive GmAngie, DAngie D#They can't Fsay we never D#trDieCmd B |
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Datum vytvoření :2014-02-02T20:07:15.102+00:00
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